YBA Bot - A Discord bot that simulates the popular Roblox game Your Bizarre Adventure, with many additional features. Abandoned for now, will probably be updated at some point. Currently used in 75+ servers.
Geometry Dash Stat Tracker - A Discord bot with many features relating to Geometry Dash. The bot can display user profiles, search for levels, perform account actions through Discord, display the Pointercrate Demon List, and much more. Unreleased.
Contributions to upcoming Discord bots: GameRover, WAREbot, Fluid, and more.
This awful looking website that I made with my very minimal front-end web development skills 😭
YBA Bot Server - A server for support, announcements, and other fun stuff related to the YBA Bot. Currently has about 60 members, owned by me.
Wexed's Community - Racist ass server for YBA tierlists, trading, and more, owned by Wexed. Currently has about 2,000 members, I'm a V.I.P. and a Partner.
Python - Discord bots, backend web development, APIs, a bunch of random small projects.
JavaScript - Web development, random console apps with Node.js.
Lua - Roblox games.
C# - Games in Unity and Windows apps.
C++ and Java - Basic console apps, these languages kinda break my brain 😭
HTML and CSS - Web development, not really languages lol
Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure - Owner of Mirage of Phantoms (MoP), 8 S tiers and all permanently unobtainable stand skins.
Discord -
Dumbass 15 year old
I love Mansaid (no homo)
Certified Boar
Idk what else to put here 😭